Stik Free2move

Vozila Sharenow so zdaj na voljo prek naše aplikacije Free2Move. 

Za vašo rezervacijo veljajo cene in pogoji, ki so na voljo v aplikaciji Free2Move. 

Vaše osebne podatke bo shranila družba Free2Move. 

Vsi računi bodo na voljo v aplikaciji Free2Move.

Da, pri Free2move morate ustvariti popolnoma nov račun. Preberite naše pogoje in določila, da si ogledate pogoje za upravičenost in dokumente, ki so potrebni za dostop do storitve. Vaše dokumente je treba pregledati in potrditi, preden lahko koristite storitev

Prepričajte se, da imate veljaven način plačila (Visa ali Mastercard), ki omogoča spletno plačevanje.  Predplačniške kartice niso dovoljene. Če so bile sprožene, poskrbite, da boste transakcijo potrdili v skladu s pravilom potrjevanja 3DS, ki ga je določila vaša banka (morda boste prejeli SMS s kodo ali pa boste morali transakcijo potrditi neposredno v aplikaciji vaše banke). Ko je potrjevanje 3DS opravljeno, se vrnite v aplikacijo Free2move in nadaljujte s potovanjem.   

Če imate kakršno koli težavo, ne oklevajte in pokličite podporo strankam Free2move neposredno iz aplikacije. 

Ne pozabite, da boste morali v primeru odpovedi potovanja z vozilom SHARE NOW počakati 2 uri, preden ga boste lahko ponovno rezervirali.

Neposredno iz aplikacije pokličite naše linije za podporo strankam. 

Stranke iz Pariza: pokličite +33 1 76 35 01 79 in izberite možnost 3. 

Stranke iz Slovenije pokličite na 080 35 61.

Neposredno iz aplikacije pokličite naše linije za podporo strankam. 

Stranke iz Pariza: pokličite +33 1 76 35 01 79 in izberite možnost 3. 

Stranke iz Slovenije pokličite na 080 35 61.

Če imate vprašanje ali pritožbo glede globe, vleke, stanja vozila med potovanjem;

če želite prijaviti nesrečo ali škodo na vozilu SHARENOW po potovanju.

Neposredno iz aplikacije pokličite naše linije za podporo strankam. 

Stranke iz Pariza: pokličite +33 1 76 35 01 79 in izberite možnost 4. 

Stranke iz Slovenije pokličite na 080 35 61.

Ste pri Free2Move najeli samopostrežni električni avtomobil v Parizu in ste naleteli na težavo? 

Na spodnjem spustnem seznamu izberite zadevno potovanje in nam pošljite zahtevek (upoštevajte, da se morate predhodno prijaviti v svoj račun Free2Move).

Naša služba za pomoč strankam vas bo kontaktirala takoj, ko bo mogoče (običajno v 24 urah).

V skrajnem primeru lahko v skladu z evropskimi predpisi vložite pritožbo prek portala Evropske komisije.

Aplikacija je na voljo v trgovini z aplikacijami za iOS in Android pod imenom "Free2move: Your mobility app". Aplikacija je združljiva z vsemi pametnimi telefoni z operacijskim sistemom iOS 13 ali novejšim, Android: 6.0 ali novejšim.

Vsi, ki so starejši od 18 let in imajo veljavno vozniško dovoljenje EU (mednarodno vozniško dovoljenje za državljane tretjih držav ali vozniško dovoljenje EU za vse državljane EU). Zaradi zavarovanja je vozniško dovoljenje potrebno za celotno floto Free2Move v Parizu, vključno z vozilom Citroën Ami.

Please contact us at if you need any translation services for our app or website. We are here to help.
Veuillez nous contacter à si vous avez besoin de traductions pour notre app ou notre site. Nous sommes là pour vous aider.
Por favor contáctanos en si necesitas los servicios de traducción para nuestra app o el sitio web. Estamos aquí para ayudar.
Contattaci per favore all'indirizzo se hai bisogno di qualche traduzione per la nostra app o sito web. Siamo qui per aiutarti.
如果您需要任何我们的应用程序或网站的翻译服务,请通过 联系我们。我们愿意为您服务。
Xin vui lòng liên lạc tại nếu qúy vị cần dịch vụ thông dịch xin vui lòng dùng app hoặc trang mạng. Chúng tôi có thể giúp quý vị.
It’s easy! Just download our iOS or Android application, click register, and make sure you have a valid Driver’s License and Credit Card with you.
There is no registration fee – upon approval – to be a member of Free2Move Carsharing. There are no additional monthly or annual subscription fees either. You only pay a $1 start fee per trip and the current minute, hour or day rate, always defaulting to the cheapest option. Meter and residential zone parking, fuel (up to $25), and insurance are all included in our rates.
To become a Free2move Carsharing member, you must be 21 years of age, have a valid Driver’s License, a credit or debit card, sufficient credit score and meet other criteria as defined by Free2Move Carsharing.
If you are encountering issues with the registration, please get in touch with our contact center ("Help" section of the Free2move App).
At this time, our registration platform only accepts US Based Driver’s Licenses. We can accept international driver’s licenses via email if you are able to provide your driving history as well. Please reach out to for more details on International Driver’s License requirements.
For credit card changes, please update within the Free2Move Carsharing app. For name, email, address, or driver’s license changes, please email us at or call us at 1-844-543-7332 if you need to change any of your account details. We’ll help you from there.
Yes, but this can only be utilized when the other driver is an approved Free2Move member and is in the vehicle with you during the trip. There is no other circumstance this is acceptable. Each account acts as a contract between Free2Move and our members. You, as the member on the account, will be held responsible for any event occurred during the use of your account.
Once you complete the in-app registration process, we’ll get to work reviewing your account details. We strive for account review within 48 hours, but in some cases can be shorter or longer. Once your Free2Move Carsharing account has been activated, you’ll receive a confirmation email. This is a one-time process. Then you’re able to log into the Free2Move Carsharing app and start driving!
The Free2Move application is in both the Apple Store and Google Play Store. Check it out!
It’s easy! Open the app, pick a Free2Move Carsharing vehicle, and press “Reserve” once you reach the car and have verified that the plate number in front of you matches the plate number of the vehicle you booked. Please do a walk around the vehicle prior to starting your trip to note any damages larger than a credit card. Once this is complete, press “Unlock” and the car will automatically open. That’s it! No keys or PIN required, just start driving!
Our vehicles can be reserved for up to 30 minutes in advance.

 All cars are equipped with pay by plate services where applicable so there is no need to wait in line! Please do not pay the toll separately as it will still scan the license plate.  We will bill your account at a later date for the cost of the toll, plus a $4.99 processing fee.

It’s on us! The fuel in the tank is always included. You can see the fuel level of every vehicle in the app before you start your trip. If the car needs additional fuel—add up to $25, save the receipt, and send it to us at:

We’ll provide you a Free2Move Carsharing credit of 125% of the amount on the receipt towards a future trip. If you are going on a longer trip—any fuel beyond the additional $25 is on you.

 Credits have an expiry date of 6 months.

We’ve got your back! Call us at 1-844-543-7332 and we’ll figure out a solution. More than likely we will dispatch a roadside service truck, but our goal will be to get you back on the road as quickly as possible.
You can end the rental in any meter or residential zone parking spot within the Home Area. You cannot end your rental anywhere outside the Home Area. Be mindful of our parking rules, and where not to park, which is described as follows:
  • First and foremost, any and all spaces that are not legal, on-street parking
  • Streets that have rush hour restrictions—even when they are not restricted—meaning no parking in lanes that will, at any time, become lanes of traffic
  • Private parking of any kind—garages, lots, off-street. Including all lots that would require payment, but also free parking areas like grocery store parking
  • Parking in spaces which are reserved for special uses or requiring non-DDOT Issued Permits, whether temporarily or permanently restricted
  • Areas that are or will become restricted within 24 hours: including street sweeping and all other time-of-day based restrictions
Put the vehicle in park, press the brake, and turn off the engine. Ensure all lights are turned off, and all doors/windows are properly closed. Once you are outside the vehicle, open the Free2Move Carsharing app and press the “End trip” button. Wait a few seconds: once the car locks and a trip star rating prompt displays, your trip is officially ended.
Please ensure you have the most updated version of the Free2Move Carsharing app. Make sure all windows/doors are closed. If you're still having trouble, please call us at 1-844-543-7332 .
We include full coverage insurance for you, the vehicle, and others up to—at least—State Minimums for all of our vehicles and approved members. As long as you report the accident/damage and follow all of our terms and conditions—you’re only liable for the deductible. If you have any questions about your jurisdiction’s coverage, please reach out by email or phone at or 1-844-543-7332.
If at fault for the damage, the customer will be charged a deductible up to $5000, as long as our terms and conditions are met. If our T&Cs are not met, the customer will be charged according to the damage extent and costs.
In the event the vehicle is already damaged at the beginning at the trip, please report the damage immediately through the damage reporting process in the Free2Move app or by calling member support at 1-844-543-7332. If the damage is smaller than a credit card, it does not need to be reported. If the damage in any way effects driving performance, do not drive the vehicle. We will help you find another nearby vehicle.
Assisting those involved and securing the scene are the first priorities in the event of a traffic accident. Call the police, if necessary. If possible, move the car to the side of the street to a safe place. Then, immediately contact our Member Support at 1-844-543-7332 . There, you will provide details on the accident to one of our agents.
NO. Please do not smoke tobacco or any other substance in Free2Move vehicles, including e-cigarettes and other vapor-based devices.
YES. Please place your pet in an approved carrier. Any excessive—as determined solely by Free2Move Carsharing—pet odors or hair left behind may result in an extra cleaning charge.
Good news! You can take the car as long as you need, and we will automatically apply the lowest rate to your trip—considering our minute, hour, and day caps. You can take the vehicle for up to 7 days on a single rental. On your first rental, we ask that you limit your trip to under 8 hours—just so you familiarize yourself with our service. We may give you a call if you’re on a longer trip during your first rental.
Yes. Every car has a USB plug-in that allows for plugging in your smartphone charging cable. Charging cables should be available in all vehicles. Please let us know if the vehicle you are using is not equipped with one by emailing our member support at
The price per minute, hour, and day for each vehicle are listed in the app. There are different pricing caps that may change from time to time. DC charges a flat 10.25% sales tax in addition to the rental costs. There is also a $1 start fee associated with each trip.
You can find all these documents inside the glovebox.
You receive an email with the trip information at the end of each trip. You will then see a charge from Free2Move Carsharing appear on your credit card statement—generally within about 10 minutes.
As soon as you unlock the vehicle in the App.
We accept Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, and debit cards! No pre-paid cards from any provider.
Registration promocodes have to be redeemed in the "Promotion" section of the app.

After-registration promo codes can be applied on the payment page when booking a vehicle. Any leftover credits if the cost of the trip is less than the promo code value will be applied to the next trip automatically and can be used until they expire.

Credits or discounts can be added to your account using promo codes. 

Please make sure you first add your promocode in the "Promotion code" in the Free2move application and then select the promocode that you wish to use right before starting a carsharing trip. 

If not selected, the discount will not be automatically applied. 

Discounts can not be cumulated. 

If you bought a carsharing pass, the carsharing pass credit will be selected by default if no other promocode is manually added.

If you forget to secure your vehicle, Auto-lock/Auto-end trip will lock your vehicle automatically at 15 minutes and auto-end your trip at six hours, if you are within the home zone. If your trip is auto-locked and you would like to continue your trip, you must unlock and relock the vehicle through the app. Auto-lock/Auto-end trip does not work outside the home zone, please make sure you are securing the vehicle at all times.
To register in our service you only need your ID, a credit or debit card and a valid driver's license. We accept all valid European driving and identity cards. Customers from non-European countries need to present a valid international ID and valid passport.

The Free2move application is available on the iOS and Android app stores under the name «Free2move: carsharing (emov)». The application is compatible with all smartphones equipped with iOS 13 and higher or Android: 6.0 and higher.

The trip credit is credit for the use of the service that is charged to the user's account, at no cost. You can receive trip credit as a result of a promotion or as compensation for an incident with our service. The trip credit can have different expiration dates depending on the promotion. If you do not use it before that date, you will lose the right to enjoy it. You can check your trip credit balance through the application when making a reservation. For any other question about the conditions of your credit you can write or call us.

Access the client area on our website with your email and password and enter the "Account" section. There you can modify, at any time, your personal data: postal address, telephone number, credit / debit card details. It is not possible to modify the email. If you want to change your email, you need to create another account. If you want to update your documents (driver's license and / or identity card), we invite you to contact our customer service.

The price of the registration fee is free. There are no additional monthly or annual charges, you only pay for the minutes driven. The costs of parking, electricity and insurance are included in the per minute rate. Please see the terms and conditions and our pricing policy for more information.

No, never. Each customer account is personal and acts as a contract between Free2move and the customer. Customer is held responsible for any event occurred during the use of his/her account. Please consult our Terms and Conditions and Price Policy.

To become a customer you must be at least 18 years of age and hold a driving license valid within the European Union.

All European driving licenses are accepted. Customers with extra-European citizenships need to have an official International driving license.

You can find the car documents inside the glovebox.

Do not worry about recharging Free2Move vehicles. A dedicated service team will take care that the cars are always charged and available for use.

Assisting those involved and securing the scene are the first priorities in the event of a traffic accident. Call the police or the emergency hotline 112, if necessary. If possible, move the car to the side of the street to a safe place. In case the car is blocked in the middle of the street, put on the emergency vest, which can be found in the trunk, and safely place the emergency triangles. Then, contact our Customer Support at +34-915510126 as soon as possible. In every traffic accident involving 3rd parties, even if the damage is only minor, you are under obligation to fill in the standard friendly accident statement placed in the glovebox completely and send it to us at the earliest possible opportunity at

It should be remembered that the Free2move Lisboa service has DS3 crossback gasoline vehicles with an efficient engine.

This model does not need keys. You can start, pause, resume, end your journey through the Free2move app. To start and stop the engine correctly, remember to use the start button located next to the steering wheel.

All the Free2Move vehicles have a special bag in the truck dedicated to the collection of all items forgot or found by previous users. If you find an object inside one of our vehicles which does not belong to you, please put it inside this special bag. Our customer service will take care of finding the owner and, in case no one claims ownership, the lost items will be donated to a local charity organization.

If you are the one who has forgotten a personal object, we invite you to contact us by phone and we will help you recover your belongings.

At the beginning of each of your trips, you can hire our franchise reduction service. Before opening the vehicle, a message will appear in the application that will offer you the option of contracting that additional service or continuing your journey with standard insurance coverage. If you hire the service, the deductible reduction will only be applied for the trip you are about to take. Hiring the service involves an additional cost per trip. The additional cost will be charged to the default payment method linked to your Free2move account. Please see our pricing policy for more information on reduction and additional cost.

It's simple: open the application, select the car that suits you best on the city map and press "Book". Once you are next to the car, after having verified that the vehicle registration corresponds to the registration of the vehicle you have reserved, select "Validate" and "Unlock" in the application. The car will open automatically. For models that require keys to start, remember that the keys are inside the glove compartment. Make sure the gear is in P, start off and enjoy the city!

For C-Zero and Berlingo model vehicles, make sure the key is properly seated in its slot inside the glove compartment. For all models, check that all the doors are properly closed. If you are still unable to finalize the rental, please contact us at + (34) 915510126. Our customer service will take care of giving you the appropriate instructions and managing the incident. We are sorry for the inconvenience, unfortunately external factors (eg inhibitors) occasionally reduce the communication capacity of our cars.

The service has a cost per min and an unlock fee associated with each trip. The price per minute is indicated in our pricing policy (check it at or in the details of each vehicle before starting your trip. Likewise, the maximum daily rate is indicated in our pricing policy. The service time starts counting when you open the car and ends when you finish the trip from the application. Each trip includes a limited number of kilometers detailed in the price policy and terms and conditions. Additional kilometers will be billed at the corresponding rate. Please check the Free2Move pricing policy on our website or directly in the app. All prices include 21% VAT.

All customers are responsible for leaving the car with a minimum battery. The minimum battery level for each vehicle model is detailed in the terms and conditions of service. If this level is reached, you must park your car safely in accordance with the parking regulations. Otherwise, a penalty may be applied to you as specified in the T&C.

If possible, park your car or move it to the side of the street to a safe place and call our customer service at + 34-915510126.

The Free2Move service rate includes full coverage insurance for all its vehicles.  In case the customer holds the responsibility of the accident/damage and respects our terms and conditions fully relatively to the damage/accident reporting procedure, the customer will be charged our deductible fee up to a maximum detailed in the terms and conditions and policy of prices.

Yes, it is allowed. Nevertheless, you are under obligation to clean the car before you return it. Bear in mind that the next person who uses the car will expect to find it in clean conditions. If there is evidence of heavy dirt inside the car we will charge a cleaning fee to your account. Go to our website for details about the cleaning fee.

If possible, park or move the car to the side of the street to a safe place and call our customer service at +34-915510126. In case the car is blocked in the middle of the street, put on the emergency vest and safely place the emergency triangles that you can find in the car truck. The, call our customer service at +34-915510126. Should this occur, you will be charged additional handling fees according to our T&C.

In the event that the client is responsible for the damage, a deductible will apply provided that the user has complied with our terms of use. In the event that the Free2Move user has not complied with our terms of use, the customer must pay the full amount of the repair. We invite you to consult our terms and conditions and pricing policy to find out what is the maximum amount of the deductible in the event of an accident.

After you provide a scan copy of your ID and driving license (both sides) at the end of the registration process, your account will be activated within the next 24-48 hours. Once your Free2Move account has been activated you will receive a confirmation email. Then you can log into the Free2Move app using your e-mail address and password and start enjoying the Free2Move experience.

You can end the rental in any on-street public parking spot within the Service Area. You cannot end your rental outside the Service area, in private parking, parking with barriers, spaces reserved for disabled or in any parking spot with time limits (i.e.: load and unload areas).

Turn off the engine, put the P gear in, set the parking brake. For cars that need keys, remember to put the key in its slot inside the glove compartment of the car. Make sure the lights are turned off and all doors and windows are securely closed. Once out of the car, open the Free2Move application and press the "End ride" button. Wait a few seconds and the car will lock up - your journey has officially ended.

It is possible to monitor the car's battery level directly from the app before making a reservation or on the dashboard of the vehicle. In any case, this ratio may vary depending on the type of driving, the use of heating or a / c and the orography of the journey.

You can reserve the car up to 20 minutes before you start driving it. The reservation time has no cost. Remember that abusing the reservation option could lead to a penalty.

The airport is currently not included within our service area. Nevertheless, if you want to give a ride to one of your friends or family members, you can still exit the service area as long as you drive back and you end trip inside our service area. Watch out for the battery level.

No. For the safety and convenience of other Free2Move customers, smoking in the car is prohibited. If the service personnel or the next person to rent the car you used beforehand reports evidence of smoking in the car, we will need to charge you a cleaning fee. Go to our website for details about the cleaning fee.

Yes. Every car has an USB plug-in, located right in front of the gearshift, that allows to plug in your smartphone charging cable.

In the event the car is already damaged at the beginning at the trip, please report the damage immediately following the procedure in our terms and conditions by calling +34-915510126, to be compliant with our T&Cs.

  First of all, we apologize for not providing you with the service you expected. Please let us know the reason for your dissatisfaction so that we can improve our service. Contact our customer service directly by answering "no" to the question below and filling in the contact form or calling us at + 34-915510126. There are claims sheets available to all users, please write to to request the digital form.

If you wish, you have at your disposal the European platform for online conflict resolution available at the following link

You can modify or update the payment information at any time by accessing "Payment information" from our App. In the event that your account has been blocked, you can contact our customer service by email or by calling +34 -915510126 to fix the problem.

The rental rate starts to be calculated as soon as the customer unlocks the car from the App.  American Express or Prepaid cards are not accepted. 

You will receive, at the end of each trip, an informative email with a summary of the estimated duration of your trip. The charge is made at the end of each journey directly to the default payment method available in the Free2move application. Additional charges, which are billed in case of breach of the terms and conditions of the service, or any other product associated with your trip will be billed to the same payment method.

The rental rate starts to be calculated as soon as the customer unlocks the car from the App.

Stik s službo za pomoč uporabnikom 

Če ste že opravili rezervacijo, vas vabimo, da najprej kontaktirate agenta Free2move, pri katerem boste najeli vozilo. Telefonska številka je navedena na e-pošti z navodili, ki ste jo prejeli.

Oglejte si pogosta vprašanja, kjer boste našli številne odgovore na vaša vprašanja.

Obrnite se na službo za pomoč uporabnikom 0803480.

Imetnik računa Free2Move mora biti podpisnik najemne pogodbe. Če izpolnjuje zahteve glede starosti in vozniškega dovoljenja za izbrano vrsto najema, lahko vozi vozilo. Najemni pogodbi lahko dodate osebo, če se obrnete na službo za pomoč uporabnikom ali neposredno na poslovalnico.

Dnevni najem vključuje 24 zaporednih ur in se lahko začne kadar koli čez dan v okviru delovnega časa agencije. O času najema se dogovorite ob spletni rezervaciji. Najdaljše obdobje najema je 28 dni, hkrati pa lahko najamete le eno vozilo. V primeru, da bi želeli najeti več vozil ali za več kot 28 dni pišite na

Seznam pooblaščenih držav je na voljo v splošnih pogojih najema, ki so na voljo ob izbiri vozila.

Za kakršno koli spremembo ali preklic rezervacije se obrnite neposredno na agencijo. Prek spleta ni mogoče spremeniti ali preklicati rezervacije.

S storitvijo Free2Move zagotavljamo določen model v okviru razpoložljivosti.

Če je vozilo na voljo, ga lahko takoj rezervirate.

Ko najamete vozilo, morate s seboj prinesti veljavno vozniško dovoljenje, osebni dokument in bančno kartico. Za najem avtomobila ali gospodarskega vozila je potrebno predložiti dokazilo o naslovu, ki ni starejše od dveh mesecev.

Za vsa vozila Free2Move je zagotovljena 24-urna asistenčna storitev. V primeru nesreče, okvare ali kraje se nemudoma obrnite na telefonsko številko 080 35 61 oziroma navedeno v pogodbi o rezervaciji. V primeru okvare vozila asistenčna služba Free2move poskrbi za vašo vrnitev domov. V primeru nesreče zavarovanje Free2move krije osebno in/ali materialno škodo, ki je morda nastala v času najema. Vse zneske, povezane z jamstvi in zavarovanji, najdete v naših splošnih pogojih.

Če v pogodbi ni navedeno drugače, morate vozili vrniti ob dogovorjeni uri in datum ter v delovnem času agencije.

Ob predhodnem dogovoru vozilo lahko vrnete pri drugem agentu Free2move. 

V primeru rezervacije, opravljene na spletnem mestu Free2move, se najpozneje 72 ur pred začetkom obdobja najema samodejno izvede predavtorizacija na kreditni kartici, ki je bila uporabljena za plačilo. Vse zneske varščine poiščite v svoji poslovalnici ali si oglejte cenovne pogoje na spletnem mestu.

Pred kratkim ste najeli avtomobil pri Free2Move in niste bili povsem zadovoljni s svojo izkušnjo: 

V spodnjem spustnem meniju izberite ustrezno najemnino in navedite razlog za pritožbo. Naša služba za pomoč strankam si bo prizadevala, da se vam oglasi v najkrajšem možnem času.

Sistem 3D Secure je varnostni sistem za spletna plačila, ki sta ga ustvarila mednarodna izdajatelja Visa in MasterCard.  Gre za postopek avtentikacije imetnika kartice, s katerim se zagotovi, da plačilo prek interneta izvajate prav vi.  

Kdaj morate opraviti preverjanje 3D Secure?

Ob prvi uporabi bančne kartice, ob dodajanju ali posodabljanju bančne kartice.

Kakšni so potrebni koraki?

Bančno kartico morate potrditi v skladu z načinom potrjevanja, ki ga je določila vaša banka. Morda boste prejeli sporočilo SMS s kodo za potrditev ali pa boste preusmerjeni na svojo banko, da dokončate postopek potrditve. 

Ko bo vaša kreditna kartica pravilno potrjena, se vrnite v aplikacijo Free2move in nadaljujte z rezervacijo.

Če imate težave, nas pokličite ali nam pišite prek spodnjega kontaktnega obrazca. Z veseljem vam bomo pomagali. Ob tem ne pozabite, da se morate v primeru težav, ki jih povzroči vaša bančna aplikacija, obrniti na bančno službo.

V skladu z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP-1) ima vsak uporabnik spletnega mesta Free2Move pravico do dostopa, popravka in izbrisa katerega koli svojega osebnega podatka. To pravico lahko uveljavljate tako, da se prijavite v svoj osebni račun na spletnem mestu Free2move > Izbris računa ali da se obrnete na našo službo za pomoč uporabnikom 0803480.

Upoštevajte, da svojega računa ne morete izbrisati, če je potovanje ali rezervacija v teku ali če je z računom povezan neplačan račun.

Ker si prizadevamo za varnost vaših podatkov, smo za vse naše stranke vzpostavili sistem za preverjanje e-poštnega naslova. Ob registraciji na spletni strani ali v mobilni aplikaciji Free2move se prikaže sporočilo, ki vas poziva, da kliknete aktivacijsko povezavo, ki je bila poslana na vaš elektronski naslov. Potrdite jo in se prijavite v svoj račun. Ta postopek je potrebno opraviti samo enkrat. 

V skladu z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP-1) ima vsak uporabnik spletnega mesta Free2Move pravico do dostopa, popravka in izbrisa katerega koli svojega osebnega podatka. 

Vaš e-poštni naslov bo uporabljen za vašo identifikacijo. Če je bil e-poštni naslov, povezan z vašim računom, posodobljen in/ali spremenjen, se obrnite na našo službo za stranke.