Apple Parking 1 meet and greet (2)

Parkirni naslov

,. thorney Business park, IVER SL09HF, GB
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO


Drop off : 

Please ensure that you have let the office know when you are about 20-30 Minutes away from the terminal. This can be done by calling us at 07385827895 or 07496830677 and stating your Vehicle registration number or Booking Reference Number.

Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) has expanded across all London boroughs including Heathrow Airport from 29 August 2023. If you drive anywhere within the ULEZ, including the Heathrow Airport from 29 August 2023, and your vehicle does not meet the emissions standards, you will have to pay a charge of £12.50. Please make sure to setup AUTO PAY when coming to the airport to avoid any penalty tickets. The operator will not be liable in case you receive a penalty for not paying the ULEZ charge.
Customers are required to pay the cost of entry and exit fees to the airport terminal
  • Make your way to the Short - Stay Car Park level 4, rows A or B.
  • Make your way to the Short - Stay car park level 4, rows A or b.
  • Make your way to the Short - Stay Car Park level 2, rows E or C. 
Terminal 5 - POSTCODE TW6 2GA 
  • Make your way to Short - Stay car park level 4, rows R or S.
Once you have met the driver, he will inspect your car with you for any existing damage. Apple Parking will then confirm your return details. Your car will then be driven to a secure compound. Please ensure you allow sufficient time to park your car and make your way to the airport terminal.

Rezerviraj si sedež

Odpiralni čas

  • 5:30 - 23:30
  • 5:30 - 23:30
  • 5:30 - 23:30
  • 5:30 - 23:30
  • 5:30 - 23:30
  • 5:30 - 23:30
  • 5:30 - 23:30


1 dan 40,05 €
družina 45,06 €
družina 51,07 €
družina 59,08 €
družina 74,10 €
družina 89,12 €

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