Happy 5th birthday Free2Move! Free2Move conveyed as a new "marketplace" with an established growth model September 16th 2021

Happy 5th Birthday Free2Move!
Free2Move conveyed as a new "marketplace" with an established growth model

Launched in September 2016, Free2Move has established success across Europe and the US, and has just been awarded the Frost & Sullivan Award "2021 OEM New Mobility Marketplace Company of the Year."

Free2Move is a leader in mobility, structuring its service offer to meet the new social, environmental and economic challenges. Free2Move is a global mobility brand that offers a complete and unique ecosystem for its private and professional customers in Europe and the United States. In tune with the times, the brand is now a mobility hub that structures its service offering around all types of rental needs, but also by simplifying mobility in the broadest sense of the term with complementary offers accessible via the Free2Move application. 

"Free2Move reaffirms its unique positioning and international leadership in the mobility market. We have all the talent, cutting-edge technology, a strong brand and a sustainable business model that will allow us to continue our deployment pace and achieve our goals." 

Explains Brigitte Courtehoux, Free2Move CEO.

Free2Move is accelerating the deployment of its mobility services internationally thanks to the power of the technological developments. Anticipating the use-cases that will make up tomorrow's mobility, the brand intends to respond to BtoB and BtoC customers in search of change in a society that is reinventing itself.

"Habits are changing and the mobility needs of individuals and companies are merging," continues Brigitte Courtehoux. "Drivers are now "consuming" mobility. We support our customers in their freedom of movement and facilitate their travel with a 360° mobility offer. We are proud to have created and marketed our mobility hub which covers all needs and all use-cases ranging from a few minutes, days, months or years. We are now positioned as the international leader in all the forms of mobility.”

Companies, local authorities and individuals have become aware that mobility issues promote well-being, improve employee productivity and limit the environmental impact of their journeys. Free2Move brings them a different perspective on mobility, with tailor-made and flexible solutions.

The Free2Move app users, whether individuals or corporate clients, have access to the mobility hub that allows them to rent a vehicle for a few minutes to several months in major cities around the world in more than 170 countries:

  • Car-sharing: In Madrid, Paris, Portland, Washington D.C. and soon other cities, it is possible to locate more than 2400 cars in an instant.

  • Rent: In more than 170 countries, relying on its network of franchisees, dealers and partners, Free2move provides access to more than 400,000 vehicles on a daily rental basis.

  • CarOnDemand: For even more flexibility, Free2move offers its customers a subscription service that allows them to rent vehicles of any brand on a monthly basis and without any time commitment.

More specifically with the corporate customers, Free2Move has consolidated a leading expertise around fleet management and developed a range of services enabling them to reduce the TCO and carbon footprint of their fleet:

  • Connect Fleet: Online management platform to manage the fleet. Thanks to on-board electronics, data from all vehicles is transmitted in real time for optimised fleet monitoring.

  • PHEV Connect: To optimise and control the use of Hybrid Vehicles (PHEV) within a fleet, Free2Move offers an adapted monitoring software.

  • Lease: A tailor-made long-term financing and maintenance offer combined with a range of innovative and connected services for professionals.

Finally, to assist the customers in their transition to the use of electric vehicles, Free2Move has integrated into its offer a range of solutions to remove the main current obstacles:


  • Charge my Car: This solution provides access to more than 220,000 charging points in Europe, and allows you to plan your journey according to your charging needs.


  • All-E: This subscription offers the customer a complete package including a charging station with home installation, access to a green energy package and a public charging package.

The events that have shaped the brand's history in 5 years: 

  • Birth of Free2Move in 2016

  • Launch of the Connect Fleet / Fleet Sharing offers in 2016

  • Madrid Carsharing opened in 2016

  • Launch of the Lease offer in 2017

  • Opening of Paris and WDC Carsharing in 2018

  • Launch of the Rent 2019 offer 

  • Launch of Car On Demand subscription in 2019

  • Launch of the E-Mobility Advisor and PHEV Connect tools in 2020

  • Creation of a single application bringing together all the Free2Move services available throughout the world in 2020

  • Creation of Free2Move eSolutions in 2021

  • Opening of Portland Carsharing in 2021

Free2Move’s 2021 figures: 

  • 2 millions users 

  • 2400 car-sharing cars

  • 500,000 parking spaces

  • 170 countries 

  • 600,000 business contracts

  • A fleet of 400,000 vehicles for rental

  • A fleet of 420,000 vehicles for leasing

  • 250,000 charging points for electric vehicles


About Free2Move:

Free2Move is a global mobility brand offering a complete and unique ecosystem for its private and professional customers around the world. Relying on data and technology, Free2Move puts the customer experience at the heart of the business to reinvent mobility and facilitate the transition to e-mobility. As a real marketplace for mobility, the company offers a range of products and services ranging from car-sharing to short, medium or long-term rental, including the reservation of VTC drivers, parking spaces and charging stations via the app, as well as support solutions towards the energy transition or even fleet management for professionals. Finally, Free2Move designs, develops, produces and distributes electric mobility products and services ranging from charging infrastructure, monthly subscriptions, battery life cycle management to the integration of Vehicle-to-Grid technology (V2G). Free2Move in figures is: 2 millions users, 400,000 rental vehicles, 500,000 parking spaces, 250,000 charging points, 600,000 business contracts and a presence in 170 countries.

For further information: https://www.free2move.com/ 

Press contacts: Open2Europe International Agency 

Audrey Noël - Mail: a.noel@open2europe.com - Mob: 0033 623261832

Marie-Laure Laville - Mail: ml.laville@open2europe.com - Mob: 0033 618148536 

Aurélie Denizanne Gicquel, Head of Communication Free2Move 

Mail: aurelie.denizanne@free2move.com