Our SIXT branch is located in the center of the Newport Centre Mall on the main level by the elevator.
From 1-9 NorthboundTake US-1 N/US-9 to Jersey Ave in Jersey City. Take 11th Street/Newport Parkway to Mall Drive West. Upon entering the Newport Centre Mall, the SIXT counter is located towards the center on the main level by the elevator.
From New York CityTake Hudson Street to I-78 West/ Holland Tunnel. Hudson Street turns slightly left and becomes I-78 Holland Tunnel. Take 11th Street/ Newport Parkway to Mall Drive West. Upon entering the Newport Centre Mall, the SIXT counter is located towards the center on the main level by the elevator.
From Path Train StationHead East on Bay Street toward Marin Blvd. Turn left on to Marin Blvd. Turn right onto 6th Street/Thomas Gengemi Drive. Turn left onto Mall Drive West and make a sharp right. Upon entering the Newport Centre Mall, the SIXT counter is located towards the center on the main level by the elevator.
Return informationPlease enter the parking garage on Mall Drive West and follow the SIXT signs. Upon entering the return lane, please park in any designated SIXT space, and return the key to the SIXT branch, located in the center of the Newport Centre Mall on the main level by the elevator. Thank you for choosing SIXT!
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