Pick-up out of opening hours is possible for an additional charge. Please provide your e-mail address, flight and mobile number.
Please park the SIXT vehicle on the marked parking lots and drop off the keys into the key box located at the SIXT branch.
Your way to SIXTOur SIXT branch is located in the car rental center of the airport, next to the terminal. Please turn left after the exit from the arrival area and look out for our SIXT rent a car premium orange station.
By carUse the motorway SH2 and take the exit to Qafe Kashari. Keep driving the motorway SH60 until Qarku i Durresit and the take Rruga e Aeroportit to the Airport.
With public transportThe public transportation stop (Luna) is located in front of the departure terminal. Go to the arrival terminal and walk straight forward across the bus parking lot into the car rental center, there you will find the SIXT branch.
Return informationAfter arriving at the airport follow the RENT A CAR sign by turning left. Pass by the car rental center (on your left hand side). Turn left into the car rental center and continue straight forward to the SIXT CAR RETURN sign. You will find the SIXT parking located on the right side of the sign.
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